About this website:
This website was created to strengthen capacity and support evaluation of community-based programs for pregnant/parenting women with substance use and other concerns, and for programs for adults and youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD). The materials posted here are based on years of experience in this field. The information will be useful for anyone thinking about developing, delivering or evaluating wraparound programs of this type
Who we are:
This website and related projects were led by researchers and program evaluators working with the
Centre of Excellence for Women’s Health and
Nota Bene Consulting Group.
Why focus on evaluation?
EVIDENCE PROJECT Learn about a multi-site evaluation involving eight Canadian programs for women with substance use and other concerns
FASD EVALUATION MAPPING PROJECT Learn more about this project, which produced three visual “maps” to support wraparound program evaluation
PHILOSOPHY MATTERS Learn more about how philosophies provide a foundation for program delivery and evaluation
Learn about different types of outcomes and how they can be evaluated